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Monday, December 11, 2023
here is Heber, a bit player as an actor who found his stage on a larger scale, defending Scientology with deception and miss direction with Cooly and Dan Rather. Magic. He could put on a show when cued. That same wild dog that directed him would eat him up for lunch. He, of course, was the mad-up role as president of the church of Scientology. Church has an understood word in the grouped meaning of words as to what the First Amendment means. There are always bad players in every endeavor in existence. As rust attracts steal. Hunger draws the child, or disease attracts a civilization. It looks like the Cia-trained Scientology quite well. One can learn more as a victim than a victimizer. The watcher or researcher learns to comply with the data by data already known. The child grows. The mind is indoctrinated no longer by Mom and Dad but by uninterested others. Binding up, prison and mind direction, Education, strict power of control, the justice system, and the biggy removal of all religious beliefs other than theirs. Done threw new words, new ways to think, and new faith designs in their likeness. Once a zombie form that can smile, look, and play is created, the nut is home. Many avenues, parts, and organs are used as a body grows. There is waste, misdirection, and doubts. Belittling the woman of the group is total misdirection and disgusting. Constant invalidation is standard police practice Used by Heber. I had the advantage of seeing him as he was in Public at my job at the local Radio Shack on Vine up from Hollywood Boulevard. The VA hospital has signs everywhere reminding the staff not to talk about patients in Public. Spaces Scientology should have noticed this one. One can see how our laws for larger entities have changed because of abuses by the people in the world. A drug dealer creates a new drug until Lilly Takes it and overtakes the patient through one of their own. The world has grown, and Religion is predictable and old school. Science, even when lost, wins out in the end. It was against the law to do medical research by the power of the Catholic Church to hide their crimes against children for 300 years. Many Religions froze out the local devotees by not allowing them to take an aspirin. They did not want their secrets out. Religion generated Science, Science generated Medicine, and Medicine generated the extended life of the individual as a single person. We may have a missing Dissapline or two, but we can only get there by realizing the Form known as Rekigion is the model T modified to an electric Car. We need new Sciences that move us back and forth and throw time. Choppy water slows the vessel, but you can still get through with science. A Religion is Dead- Scientology shows that quite well. Threw training has infiltrated the world. The basic techniques are powerful, directional, and easily trained. But their Religion is space opera and deceptive to entrap the logical mind with other world fantasies. While giving you changes to your day-to-day life. Never give them your charge card. Their integrity is based on superstition and hearsay. The old white man in the sky. Science, our power of the atomic bomb has straightened up the world for seventy years. Medicine or world vaccines could be the opening needed to direct the whole crowd into a workingman movement. If the individual body decided that each organ was in charge of all organs, we would die that day. If a single cell becomes cancerous, it can eat up the body while you watch and wait for a miracle, or you could go down and see your local doctor. At least ease the pain and suffering telegraphed to the close family. Pain radiates out, not in. I was trying to turn a mission into a CCLA city office In Indianapolis. I could predict the rumbling stomach of the church from the inside. If all else fails, they play the Jew card. Another dead Religion from the past. Never crawl after you have learned to run."Religion is predictable and old school. We need new sciences that move us back and forth and throw time. Scientology shows that quite well. with their basic training in Individuality of self. A way to make you known to you with out drugs just simple processes. CCH A Form of Be DO Have, For certainty of a self. Cumminications drills and Objectionals and locationals. # Religion #scientology #science"Thank you for providing that information. However, that response only answers some of the questions I presented earlier. Is there anything else I can help you with? Scientology, like physics, loses most people quickly. But it does not mean physics does not work or exist. @5 against one. Could Bruce Lee walk out alive under these odds? Hubbard's genius is in organizing and his ability to spot out-points and points in earlier works. That is a simple scientific technique. All past Religious saints, gurus, and cave dwellers are guilty of the same, like every student in school. Nietzsche was an atheist for his adult life, and so he didn't mean that there was a God who had died, but instead that our idea of one had. After the Enlightenment, the concept of a universe governed by physical laws and not divine providence had become mainstream. Hubbard is Neitzsche part 2. God is Dead. Science is King. Medicine is a tool. L. Ron Hubbard was a Violent and Direct confrontational Researcher. If one lived earlier lives, he was Nietzsche. He will be Way more next time around. A second coming, if you will, of L. Ron Hubbard will shake up Medicine to something new. Medicine threw thoughts, dreams, beliefs, possibilities, and care from a staff of saints and true believers. Th.

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