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Friday, December 30, 2022
The Kings Cross Sting research for Q Plan: LSD was made by Eli Lilly Pharaceutical company

Thursday, December 29, 2022
Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: I would change the world if I could.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Insanity- simple definition.
An apple can never become an orange. But mixed together, they can become a Fruit salad. A liver can never become a brain but mixed together, they sustain a body's life. A single person can never become a group, but together they can change the world. A medicine pill never becomes a cure for a disease, but together with that disease can change it to a new condition. A child can never become its mom and dad, but together they can change into a family and a future. A planet can never become its sun, but together it can make life. And Individuals can never create religion, but together, they can create faith. A word has no meaning or power, but with language, it makes an Understanding. A God cannot answer prayer but can reflect what is real to the prayee. Insanity can never become sanity without the tuneup of the mind. Mental silliness is never physical silliness, But mixed can trick the body. A simple person can form a group of Hate. Together with a justice system, it creates group insanity. To overcome a condition, you need not destroy it, which then
creates another situation. A lemon without a seed is no longer a lemon. A male is never a female, but together They make a new life.

Saturday, December 24, 2022
Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Hearing Scheduled For Jan 20 In Scientology Traffi...

Saturday, February 5, 2022
Is all lost never to be found?

Friday, January 21, 2022
Is everything fixed?
The body lives and dies one cell at a time. Our mind thinks one thought at a time. We feel one feeling at a time. We notice one thing at a time. Our time is fixed our body is bordered. Our possibilities seem endless. The Universe is forever, the Universes Universe incomprehendable. Our emotions can overwhelm us. Or body over take us. Yet we think we die? Our body continues to grow even if within another and another out into time. Are there are more grians of sand than stars or thoughts in our minds. Are there universes within universes? Universes outside our Universe, None ending and intertwined. You say there is no God? There is everything in our minds.