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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Promises and Betrayals: Britain and the Holy Land (Israel/Palestine Docu...

Le Mesurier Report: Breaking Developments-the Case Becomes a “Counterter...

Friday, November 29, 2019

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Michael Moore Says Dems Finally Have 'President Donald Trump On The Run'...

Full Interview: Edward Snowden On Trump, Privacy, And Threats To Democra...

Exposing Jeffrey Epstein's international sex trafficking ring | 60 Minut...


The Zeitgeist Movement Understandings: Psychology

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

In the beginning of time...

I looked up from my chair to notice a being coming forward. A stranger, yet, I know him. I returned my glance looking out and over my domain of 166,000,000 being left in my care. A higher calling once again stirring in my mind. This single being said ,You are needed. I went to my domain in a heart-beats time. I traveled upstream to meet with my director and was advised it was now time for a mission I was unprepared for. Yet, I went freely. It was A God, A being, a higher being than I,had asked my help once again. I had been watching between several visits to the distant place, a planet of confusion, eight other times. This would be my ninth trip down here. A personal, world an incubator if you will, where the possibilities were unparalleled in the universes that I was aware of. A place where one could layer experience in levels of play. As stated in the "Bhagavad Gita",""You could build layers of a self on top of each other. As if a Cornice Seashell A place where the strongest emotion could change everything for every other being there. As in Arts sciences mind & control, plus A thing called enlightenment. A curious state of mental existence that could free up a being long enough to clean up himself. Cleaning up of souls. These layers were interconnected like water fire, or air is to everything. There seemed to be a missing link in the setup. Beings dive into a new body at first breath to be meet by unknowingness. A Washing-away all experience of a previous self. Something was wrong with the flow and trapped so many souls down into believing that they were the Body with a soul. It is the two parts envisioned by Zoroasteria. A soul with everything else. Minds included. Only two of eight sections a body family, all the rest of others. All living life is all unaware of every other thing, not alive. Become a rock or a race car some time. A soul spirit, out, then God. The latter continues up and down from these into both directions. It is quite scary full of uncertainty. The missing part, As one feels there way up in life through a mother, a father that is needed for the balance of Mind and emotional self. Brothers and sisters were like distant planets of other bodies. One could create a whole new world with a wife. Experiencing others working toward greater success for all. Not just for now but for all past present and future lives. The mind became miss-guided my different versions of the single self by differing layers of memories expressing themselves as independent Ideals. Causing not only self-destruction, insanity and self-indulgence, Wars Postulants Greed, and finally, Hate. War and death to all is the "final solution." Wars were waged tens of tens of Millions lives would be lost in a small amount of time. Successful importance being placed only on the here and now. I had been down there to this planet many times in the past. I paired my self with a twin on eight other visits. I was given advice by a being at the moment of the final entry into the body being born. The typical protocol is to enter on the first breath. Yet this time, something was wrong. As I was giving last-minute advice, a being shot past me behind the other mirror being that was to be my twin once again. Our ninth and final pairing. I shot after him as the three of us wrestled the poor woman having us. A 19-year old girl named Mary, I would be her 7Th child. A father carpenter was our seed parent. She was still a teenager. Being born into the lowest caste at that time in Severe poverty. At the last moments, I tried to shelter the other twin, Her 6th child, ut failed. He struggled for many months in an incubator trying to survive. Needing a blood transfusion complicated the birth. Only a black woman would step forward, giving him his life back. She was a saint. He is a warrior. Together, he made it. My protector, y guide, was going to be okay. Or so I thought. I cast the other being out to the edge of the universe... Hello ,world;,It is "I." Donnie Harold Harris. Born in poverty at 6.33 Am on a Saturday, August first, 1953, at General Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana. The crossroads of America, crossroads of the world. Let us play... I have waited for 66 years to play. in a new tab)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Friday, November 8, 2019

1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Eric Cline, PhD)

Who are the Zoroastrians? History of Iran's Oldest Religion

When Orson Welles Crossed Paths With Hitler and Churchill | The Dick Cav...

Eisenhower Farewell Address (Best Quality) - 'Military Industrial Comple...

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The truth shall set you free; Really?

What does it take to get the Local Catholic Church to Listen? I was only nine years old! I have tried for nearly six years to get a result from them. They, the Catholic Church In Indianapolis, as a group, have a mental illness. They lack real concern or sympathy for those few of us abused sexual assault children victims having their lives derailed. They say; there Dead. Let it go. I suppose it will not go without acknowledgment and restitution. I don was raped at nine years old. I am not even a Catholic. They say; you do not know the names of the priest. there were about 25 of them from all over the state of Indiana and Ca. All between the age of NINE to sixteen. About ten of these were between 16-18. Now not considered Rape. Until I was straightened out by the Training and expert handling of several excellent drill sergeants in the U.S.Army at Fort Ord, Ca. iIn1972. Would you think that after 56 years, the pain would be gone? I did not contact the Local Church until five years ago for help. Getting closer to death has caused its course in my life to become highly restimulated. See vividly how this has affected every part and partial of my entire life. They asked, What was his name? My first rapist at nine years old. How was I to know? Then let it go. They are dead. Move on. They have no idea how the church has altered my life because of their crimes. I have never had my day in court. I never got to tell my story except to three therapists in the last five years. Two VA therapists had to hear my sad tale, thus altering their lives forever. Therefore there are only a few options left for me now. I ask, beg, plead that the state of Indiana changes the Law, the statute of Limitations in Indiana. When can my Truth be Heard? I was not Murdered physically. I was Murdered spiritually. I received a life sentence for the crime committed to me as a child. Where is my Justice; can be delivered? How can restitution be made? My God says to me that without Acknowledgement, the Church can not move forward. Can The Church Be set Free? Yes, it threw acceptance of itself. When can I become a Man?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Sunday, November 3, 2019