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Thursday, December 26, 2019
This 600-meter asteroid will pass near Earth (Today)

Wednesday, December 25, 2019
He Gives The Most Well Researched Analysis Of The 1950s

Expert Describes The '60s Family But It Sounds Like Today

What 1958 HS Students Felt Their Futures Would Be Like

Sunday, December 22, 2019
Goodbye North Pole


Saturday, December 21, 2019
New Sumerian Tablets of Creation Documentary 2018 Original Texts Exposed...

Wednesday, December 11, 2019
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: There is all i know of that is me;there is all i k...
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: There is all i know of that is me;there is all i k...: When one looks close along the edge of the playing field, it's not straight at all. The basic philosophy of the public party is the mos...

There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: 5 weeks in "69" The summer of love
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: 5 weeks in "69" The summer of love: I had gotten my drivers license at 15 and a half because of drivers ed. A school teacher friend at Tech I meet at the Ohio theater let me ...

There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: Americans Renew Call for Third Party
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: Americans Renew Call for Third Party: Americans Renew Call for Third Party

Monday, December 9, 2019
What hallucination reveals about our minds | Oliver Sacks

The Great Year

Scholars Found This In The Bible, The Evidence EVERYONE Missed

Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Real Rasputin (Imperial Russia Documentary) | Timeline

Wednesday, December 4, 2019
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: There is all of me there is all of you.donnie haro...
There is all of me there are all of you. Donnie Harold Harris: There is all of me there are all of you. Donnie Harold Harris...: There is all of me there is all of you. Donnie Harold Harris: Americans Renew Call for Third-Party: Americans Renew Call for Third Party

There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: Life somehow is the theater of our Dreams.As a # M...
There is all of me there are all of you. Donnie Harold Harris: Life somehow is the theater of our Dreams. As a # M...: Life somehow is the theater of our Dreams. As a # MeToo survivor I was forced to suck my male cousin's dick when I was under 1 year old...

There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: Americans Renew Call for Third Party
There is all of me there are all of you. Donnie Harold Harris: Americans Renew Call for Third-Party: Americans Renew Call for Third Party

Sibel Edmonds Presents: Gulen & Concocting The Flynn Scandal: A Clinton-...

commanded to love | performing false emotions for tyrants [cc]

karma (and caste)

Saturday, November 30, 2019
Promises and Betrayals: Britain and the Holy Land (Israel/Palestine Docu...

Le Mesurier Report: Breaking Developments-the Case Becomes a “Counterter...

Friday, November 29, 2019
What If Everything You Were Ever Taught Was A Lie?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Michael Moore Says Dems Finally Have 'President Donald Trump On The Run'...

Full Interview: Edward Snowden On Trump, Privacy, And Threats To Democra...

Exposing Jeffrey Epstein's international sex trafficking ring | 60 Minut...


The Zeitgeist Movement Understandings: Psychology

Monday, November 25, 2019
One Of The Most Enlightened Scientists Alive - Nassim Haramein

Tuesday, November 19, 2019
In the beginning of time...

Indianapolis, IN, USA in a new tab)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Nikola Tesla - Limitless Energy & the Pyramids of Egypt

Friday, November 8, 2019
1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Eric Cline, PhD)

Who are the Zoroastrians? History of Iran's Oldest Religion

When Orson Welles Crossed Paths With Hitler and Churchill | The Dick Cav...

Eisenhower Farewell Address (Best Quality) - 'Military Industrial Comple...

Thursday, November 7, 2019
The truth shall set you free; Really?
What does it take to get the Local Catholic Church to Listen? I was only nine years old! I have tried for nearly six years to get a result from them. They, the Catholic Church In Indianapolis, as a group, have a mental illness. They lack real concern or sympathy for those few of us abused sexual assault children victims having their lives derailed. They say; there Dead. Let it go. I suppose it will not go without acknowledgment and restitution. I don was raped at nine years old. I am not even a Catholic. They say; you do not know the names of the priest. there were about 25 of them from all over the state of Indiana and Ca. All between the age of NINE to sixteen. About ten of these were between 16-18. Now not considered Rape. Until I was straightened out by the Training and expert handling of several excellent drill sergeants in the U.S.Army at Fort Ord, Ca. iIn1972. Would you think that after 56 years, the pain would be gone? I did not contact the Local Church until five years ago for help. Getting closer to death has caused its course in my life to become highly restimulated. See vividly how this has affected every part and partial of my entire life. They asked, What was his name? My first rapist at nine years old. How was I to know? Then let it go. They are dead. Move on. They have no idea how the church has altered my life because of their crimes. I have never had my day in court. I never got to tell my story except to three therapists in the last five years. Two VA therapists had to hear my sad tale, thus altering their lives forever. Therefore there are only a few options left for me now. I ask, beg, plead that the state of Indiana changes the Law, the statute of Limitations in Indiana. When can my Truth be Heard? I was not Murdered physically. I was Murdered spiritually. I received a life sentence for the crime committed to me as a child. Where is my Justice; can be delivered? How can restitution be made? My God says to me that without Acknowledgement, the Church can not move forward. Can The Church Be set Free? Yes, it threw acceptance of itself. When can I become a Man?
7th child 4th son,
donnie harold harris,
political possibilities,
The truth shall set you free; Really?
Indianapolis, IN, USA

Wednesday, November 6, 2019
29th March 1973: Final US troops withdraw from Vietnam

Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Most Beautiful Speech I Ever Heard - David Hoffman

Tuesday, October 29, 2019
My Slideshow Blog | Public Party of Indiana | United States Donnie...

Uncover Your Creative Self - David Hoffmans' 8 Steps

Monday, October 28, 2019
Star Spangled Banner As You've Never Heard It

Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Best Documentary To Understand The Hippies

Friday, October 25, 2019
Technology from Extraterrestrials

Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Dell Bigtree Vaccines in 3 minutes

Wednesday, October 2, 2019
California Jam Festival 1974 video Concert

Monday, September 30, 2019
Where has God gone?
Did we miss him? was he there all alone out of sight? Did our need to know about him show the ceiling of where we are? The limit of the limitlessness of everything else? Are we condemned as less than as we ourselves do to others? Shall we burn, shall we perish. What shall we forgive allowing new growth to begin? Then it is our children we shall shape our new world. Challenged but not overwhelmed. Helped but not commanded. Except, where they are not confirmed. The children of now the children of tomorrow and the children of those children shall bear the strength to hold up man to become more than a man. To accept his part of the whole future has to offer. not the past has to remind. "I"
7th child 4th son,
donnie harold harris,
political possibilities,
Somebody once told me
Indianapolis, IN, USA

Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Sacred City of Mecca: Have We Got It Wrong? | TRACKS

A new beginning for the Middle East: The Cyrus Cylinder and Ancient Persia

Thursday, August 8, 2019
donnie harold harris .

VTS 01 1

Monday, July 15, 2019
Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: An open letter to U...
Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: An open letter to U...: Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: An open letter to U.S. Senator Marta McSally -VA : Hello Senator McSally. "summer of 69&q...

Sunday, July 7, 2019
Indianapolis, IN, USA

Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Stonewall Forever - A Documentary about the Past, Present and Future of ...

Sunday, June 23, 2019
Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: An open letter to U...
Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: An open letter to U...: Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: An open letter to U.S. Senator Marta McSally -VA: Hello Senator McSally. "summer of 69&q...In the summer of 69, I would watch as the moon landing was unfolding before my eyes like a runaway @ 15 now on the streets of Hollywood Ca. as a Sex slave to the world. I watched as the astronauts leaped into history with one small step for man from a small 9" black and white TV set in the window of a pawn shop on Hollywood Boulevard in the Summer of 69.

The Woman Who Revealed the Missing Link Between Viruses and Cancer

Wednesday, June 12, 2019
My Slideshow Blog | Public Party of Indiana | United States Donnie...

King Crimson The Court Of The Crimson King (Legendado)

Monday, June 10, 2019

Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Mile 33, Guymon, OK 73942, USA


Why Socrates Hated Democracy

Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Behind the mens room door.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Grow Some Spine - Chris Hedges

Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Elon Musk's Unbelievably Simple 12-minute Killer Break Down on Climate C...

Elon Musk's Unbelievably Simple 12-minute Killer Break Down on Climate C...

Chris Hedges beautiful speech on Gaza #FreePalestine

Chris Hedges beautiful speech on Gaza #FreePalestine

Chris Hedges - America Is Slowly Crumbling

Chris Hedges Speech to Orange County Green Party

5 Scientists with Ideas That Nobody Believed ... Who Were Right

Why The US Has No High-Speed Rail

Monday, May 27, 2019
The secret inside your cellphone (CBC Marketplace)

Accelerated UFO Disclosure Developments - Extraterrestrial Presence Amon...

Accelerated UFO Disclosure Developments - Extraterrestrial Presence Amon...

How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory

There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: The future is now.
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: The future is now.: Prophecies In this page a links to other pages concentrating on prophecies contained in some of the major Religious and Spiritual trad...

There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: Public Banking Made Easy - Public Banking Institut...
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: Public Banking Made Easy - Public Banking Institut...

There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: There is all of me there is all of you.donnie haro...
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: There is all of me there is all of you.donnie haro...: There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: THE SIMPLE DEFINITION OF " GOD." AN MAN. : SIMPLICITY IS THE STANDAR...

The future is now.
In this page a links to other pages concentrating on prophecies contained in some of the major Religious and Spiritual traditions of the World. Also, I have included some predictions of Nostradamus and there is an article on 2012 which is the special date when the Mayan calendar comes to an end. In each section, I give some background to the prophecies from the respective World Religions and also discuss some of their social and political implications.
The list of included prophecies and articles will grow over time as I sort through my papers and book collection. If any readers have any ideas of things to include then any suggestions would be most welcome. Goto the Contact section to get in touch.

Sunday, May 26, 2019
Public Banking Made Easy - Public Banking Institute

There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: THE SIMPLE DEFINITION OF " GOD." AN MAN.


Saturday, May 25, 2019
"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: Vote with Emotion not devotion.
"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: Vote with Emotion not devotion.: Never vote for what the mind tells you. For it is so often wrong. Vote, by the inner yearnings of the Heart. For what is right for the gre...

"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: The building blocks of Humanity is all about You.
"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: The building blocks of Humanity is all about You.: Changing the way you live. The building blocks for Humanity is Evident in the Dynamic levels of Existence Correlated and placed into the rig...

Friday, March 8, 2019
2014 08 19
Indianapolis, IN, USA

Tuesday, February 26, 2019
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: George Carlin Jesus God and I go to the movies.
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: George Carlin Jesus God and I go to the movies.: God George Carlin And I had a lovely time last night. I meet George Carlin in a Bar where he had a Drink. I sat in the stool next ...

There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: Americans Renew Call for Third Party
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: Americans Renew Call for Third Party: Americans Renew Call for Third Party
As a # MeToo survivor I was forced to suck my male cousin's dick when I was under 1 year old. I remember much of its detail. It has underwritten for the rest of my life. By the time I was 12 years old, I would have sex with over 50 men. By the end of my 15TH year, I would have sex with over 1500 people. Would be Raped 7 Times. Turn down sex 2 times with Rock Hudson, did an n attorney general of Indiana, the mayor, and several state local politicians. 15 plus Catholic Preist Some times I would also have sex with a sibling of a local priest as was with the case of Father Morley of St. Jude and his pedophile brother. And on and on. By the end of my Army years, I would have about 4500 different sex partners. Now at 65 states at 6000 or so different sex partners. So my response to your question is forget the perp ( give him life because there is no cure known at this time.) and put the money time and help with the survivor. They are mentally quadra pelagic. It is I
7th child 4th son,
donnie harold harris,
Indianapolis Indiana 46227,
political possibilities
Indianapolis, IN, USA

Indiana Gubernatorial Election 2012, Candidate List, Indiana Governor Elections 2012.
Indiana Gubernatorial Election 2012, Candidate List, Indiana Governor Elections 2012.: Public Party of Indiana, Is a discovered into self as a whole world. I am as Everything else is.

donnie harold harris

Thursday, February 14, 2019
George Carlin on soft language
donnie harold harris

Thursday, February 7, 2019
Introducing: The Musical Monk of Salzburg
donnie harold harris

Monday, February 4, 2019
Behind the mens room door.
donnie harold harris

Sunday, February 3, 2019
Public Party; First Definition;: "Action" is the denial of everything else except t...
Public Party; First Definition;: "Action" is the denial of everything else except t...: Just before I was born, I had a visitor That Told me it was time to come to you. I was again meet at the Gate to Here and now. Ther...

donnie harold harris,

Summer of 69, Summer of Love.: Lattie Moore - Drunk Again
donnie harold harris

Thursday, January 31, 2019
Smoking Marijuana vs Using a Cannabis Vaporizer
donnie harold harris

Sunday, January 27, 2019
Guiding Light (Understanding Jewish - Power)
donnie harold harris

Saturday, January 26, 2019
Mystery of the Planetary Gods - ROBERT SEPEHR
donnie harold harris

Thursday, January 17, 2019
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: The Anunnaki Creation Story: The Biggest Secret in...
There is all of me there is all of you.donnie harold harris: The Anunnaki Creation Story: The Biggest Secret in...
donnie harold harris

The Anunnaki Creation Story: The Biggest Secret in Human History - Nibir...
donnie harold harris

behind the mens room door
My name is don h. Recently feb09 I was sent to the VA with 2 torn retinas(eyeballs).I was hours from blindness. At the same time, my home was being foreclosed on after 14yrs. I also was being sued in court in city-county building as my business of 2 generations was on trial over $3000.00.While in court I was assaulted by a lawyer, in the hallway, as she struck me in both open eyes, with a folder.,my mind froze. The judge, upon reporting this to her as A assault, told me to take it up later with law enforcement. I file a police report.nothing was done. I had a massive shift in concentrations. I soon found myself pin pointedly focused on my unusual childhood. Things I had to do, to survive. I decided to write a book. Behind the men's room door. I have been collect and looking at my childhood, I think someone needs to know about it. I have told no one any of this. Maybe I need a lawyer>\?I am the 7th child of a 19-year old girl. I am a Mirror/Identical twin. Born wit T to T to T syndrome.This will come out in my book, some day. I was assaulted as an infant by my cousin, at 10 months(he is dead). Told mother weeks before she died.I was forced to give oral to completion to a man at 4, behind my new house. There was a police report. I had life trauma from it. I asked for a copy last year at city county building, I was told no way. You see I went to 21-grade schools and lived at 100 locations before I was 12. I was molested by another cousin(registered child molester Ronnie Harris) over several months, I am only going to hit the hi-lights. I was molested at 6 by a Catholic priest in Indpls, In. Thier in the basement of the church where I was invited to go bowling. I was assaulted in Happy hollow camp 2 years by 2 brothers Sonny and Stoney, head counselor, and counselor. I was almost drawn by a counselor, when asked to go and get the pool ready at lake, he jumped on top of me(in deep water) and put his feet
onto my shoulders, holding me down under. I only escaped by grabbing his balls. I am a excellent swimmer and I swam away. At 12, I was assaulted and paid off by a paper captain, when I became a paper delivery boy,2 times at the paper house on prospect street.This single incident would propel me into preteen prostitution, when the offer came my way at the Ohio theater, in downtown indy, 1966. My most challenging assault happened at 15. There was a full police report and investigation, that was suddenly stopped when #The-Rapist, met me at my bus stop, threatened my twin brothers death and others. I ran to Hollywood ca. June, Hollywood Blvd. Can you help, should I be concerned about releasing of my history. Should I file charges, or sue anybody, or just write away /...My clients as a child prostitute are all over the range including locale politicians.I can no longer think through my job as a remodeling contract, I have no savings, and I am a disabled vet.My book is my final hope, I think. Don
onto my shoulders, holding me down under. I only escaped by grabbing his balls. I am a excellent swimmer and I swam away. At 12, I was assaulted and paid off by a paper captain, when I became a paper delivery boy,2 times at the paper house on prospect street.This single incident would propel me into preteen prostitution, when the offer came my way at the Ohio theater, in downtown indy, 1966. My most challenging assault happened at 15. There was a full police report and investigation, that was suddenly stopped when #The-Rapist, met me at my bus stop, threatened my twin brothers death and others. I ran to Hollywood ca. June, Hollywood Blvd. Can you help, should I be concerned about releasing of my history. Should I file charges, or sue anybody, or just write away /...My clients as a child prostitute are all over the range including locale politicians.I can no longer think through my job as a remodeling contract, I have no savings, and I am a disabled vet.My book is my final hope, I think. Don
7th child 4th son,
donnie harold harris,
Indianapolis Indiana 46227,
mirror Souls,
mirror twins,
summer of 69.behind the mens room door,
Unknown Demons

Tuesday, January 8, 2019
A #SmallThanks from don harris home improvements to you - November 2018
donnie harold harris

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